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What's YOUR Love Language? - Aging Well With Marjorie
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What’s YOUR Love Language?

What’s YOUR Love Language?

Gifts seem to get all the attention at this time of year, but do you know the other four languages of love? More importantly, do you know which love languages your near and dear ones most need in order to feel treasured, appreciated, and loved?

Words of Affirmation

For some people, hearing you speak words that affirm your love is what they most need from you. Unsolicited compliments are just the ticket for them. One dad I know writes his son a loving letter “from Santa” each year, telling the child what a fine person he is.

Acts of Service

Doing things for others, especially without being asked, may mean the most to someone in your life. Reducing their responsibilities with a “let me do that” is very meaningful for them.

LoveQuality Time

One wise mother I know raised four children. She devoted each Saturday to one child, taking turns each week to give her undivided attention to one child alone. What kind of quality time would a near and dear one like to have with you?

Physical Touch

Little pats on the back as you walk by, holding hands, a kiss on the cheek now and then, hugs – touch in many forms may matter the most to someone in your life.

Receiving Gifts

A thoughtfully selected gift that really fits the recipient’s personality and interests shows that you truly love and understand who they are – if receiving gifts is their love lanaguge.

Matching Needs

As Dr. Gary Chapman points out in The 5 Love Languages, we need to understand each other’s love languages, because mismatches can leave people feeling unloved. For example, someone may do all kinds of services for another person to show love, because that’s the love language they understand, but the other person may need quality time to feel loved.

Love Language Quiz

Perhaps the best gift of all would be to sit down with a loved one over the holidays, each do The Five Love Languages Quiz, and then discuss the results with each other. Do it with a sense of exploration and learning – and love!


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